19:27A-7 - Review of notice of intention; approval; publication; answer

19:27A-7.    Review of notice of intention; approval; publication; answer
    7. a.  Upon receiving a notice of intention, the recall election official shall review it for compliance with the provisions of section 6 of this act. If the notice of intention is found to be in compliance, the recall election official shall imprint on the face of that notice a statement of the official's approval thereof, which statement shall identify the public office held by the official and include the signature of the official and the date on which the approval was given, and shall, within three business days of receiving the notice, return a certified copy of the approved notice to the recall committee.  If the recall committee has requested that the recall election be held at a special election, the recall election official shall also prepare, within that same three-day period, an estimate of the cost of conducting the recall election which shall be added to the notice of intention and printed on the first page of each section of the petition as required by section 8 of this act.  The official shall retain, and shall hold available for public inspection and copying, the original notice so approved for a period of not less than five years from the date of such approval.  If the notice of intention is found not to be in compliance, the recall election official shall, within that period of three business days, return the notice, together with a written statement indicating the reasons for that finding, to the recall committee, which shall have the opportunity to file a corrected notice of intention. 

   b.   Within five business days of approving a notice of intention, the recall election official shall serve a copy of the approved notice of intention on the official sought to be recalled by personal delivery or certified mail, and within two weeks of approving the notice of intention shall cause a copy thereof to be printed in a newspaper published in the jurisdiction or, if none exists, in a newspaper generally circulated within the jurisdiction, and affix to the approved notice of intention previously filed an affidavit of the time and manner of service and proof of publication. The copy of the notice of intention which is published shall be abbreviated to include information on only three members of the recall committee who shall be designated for that purpose by the committee.  The recall election official shall retain on file the affidavit and proof for so long as the approved notice of intention is retained. 

   c.   Within five business days of being served with a notice of intention, the official sought to be recalled may file an answer to the proposed recall, not to exceed 200 words, with the recall election official if the notice of intention contained a statement of the reasons for the recall.  An answer shall be used solely to provide information to the voters and shall be printed on the first page of each section of the petition in the manner provided by section 8 of this act.  If the notice of intention did not contain a statement of the reasons for the recall or the official sought to be recalled chooses not to file an answer, that official shall instead provide the recall election official with a written acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of the notice of intention .  Within two business days of the filing of such an answer or acknowledgment, the recall election official shall by personal delivery or certified mail serve a copy of that answer or acknowledgment on the recall committee.  If no such answer or acknowledgment is filed within the period of time allowed therefor, the recall election official, within two business days of the expiration of that time period, shall by personal delivery or certified mail transmit to the recall committee a signed statement in writing that no such answer or acknowledgment was timely filed with the recall election official. 
