19:27A-18 - Statutes inoperative 

19:27A-18.   Statutes inoperative 
    18.  On the effective date of this act, sections 88 through 98 of P.L.1972, c.154 (C.40:41A-88 et seq.); sections 17-19 through 17-29 of P.L.1950, c.210 (C.40:69A-168 et seq.);  R.S.40:75-25 through R.S.40:75-44; R.S.40:81-6; and R.S.40:84-12 through R.S.40:84-19 shall become inoperative and shall have no force or effect unless a court of competent jurisdiction issues a final order invalidating the provisions of Article I, paragraph 2b. of the New Jersey Constitution, providing for the recall of elected officials, and the provisions of this act which permit the recall of county or municipal officials, in which case the aforesaid laws shall again become operative and shall have full force and effect as of the date of the court's ruling. 
