19:27A-13 - Issuance of certificate as to sufficiency of petition; scheduling of recall election; notice. 

19:27A-13.   Issuance of certificate as to sufficiency of petition; scheduling of recall election; notice. 
    13. a. (1)  If the recall election official determines that a petition contains the required number of signatures and otherwise complies with the provisions of this act and if the official sought to be recalled makes no timely challenge to that determination, or if the official makes such a challenge but the original determination is confirmed by the recall election official or the court, the recall election official shall forthwith issue a certificate as to the sufficiency of the petition to the recall committee.  A copy of the certificate shall be served by the recall election official on the elected official sought to be recalled by personal service or certified mail. If, within five business days of service of the certification, the official has not resigned from office, the recall election official shall order and fix the holding of a recall election on the date indicated in the certificate. 

   (2)  In the case of an office which is ordinarily filled at the general election, a recall election shall be held at the next general election occurring at least 55 days following the fifth business day after service of the certification, unless it was indicated in the notice of intention that the recall election shall be held at a special election in which case the recall election official shall order and fix the date for holding the recall election to be the next Tuesday occurring during the period beginning with the 55th day and ending on the 61st day following the fifth business day after service of the certification of the petition or, if that Tuesday falls on, or during the 28-day period before or after, a day on which any general, primary, nonpartisan municipal, school district or other recall election is to be held or shall have been held within all or any part of the jurisdiction, then the first Tuesday thereafter which does not fall within such period.  In the case of an office which is ordinarily filled at an election other than the general election, a recall election shall be held at the next general election or the next regular election for that office occurring at least 55 days following the fifth business day after service of the certification, unless it was indicated in the notice of intention that the recall election shall be held at a special election in which case the recall election official shall order and fix the date for holding the recall election to be the next Tuesday occurring during the period beginning with the 55th day and ending on the 61st day following the fifth business day after service of the certification of the petition or, if that Tuesday falls on, or during the 28-day period before or after, a day on which any general, primary, nonpartisan municipal, school district or other recall election is to be held or shall have been held within all or any part of the jurisdiction, then the first Tuesday thereafter which does not fall within such period.  A recall election to be held at a special election shall not be scheduled on the same day as a primary election.  The date for a recall election shall not be fixed, and no recall election shall be held, after the date occurring six months prior to the general election or regular election for the office, as appropriate, in the final year of an official's term. 

   (3)  A vacancy in an elective office resulting from the resignation of an elective official sought to be recalled prior to the expiration of the five-day period shall be filled in the manner provided by law for filling vacancies in that office. 

   b.   The certificate issued by the recall election official shall contain:

   (1)  the name and office of the official sought to be recalled;


   (2)  the number of signatures required by law to cause a recall election to be held for that office; 

   (3)  a statement to the effect that a valid recall petition, determined to contain the required number of signatures, has been filed with the recall election official and that a recall election will be held; and 

   (4)  the date and time when the election will be held if the official does not resign. 

   c.   The recall election official shall transmit a copy of the certificate to the officer or public body designated by law to be responsible for publishing notice of any other election to be held in the jurisdiction on the same day as the recall election, and that officer or body shall cause notice of the recall election, including all of the information contained in the certificate as prescribed by subsection b. of this section, to be printed in a newspaper published in the jurisdiction of the official sought to be recalled or, if none exists, in a newspaper generally circulated in the jurisdiction. The notice of the recall election shall appear on the same schedule applicable to the notice of such other election.  In the event that the recall election is to be held as a special election, the recall election official shall transmit a copy of the certificate to the county board or boards of elections, and the county board or boards shall cause notice of the recall election to be printed, in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, once during the 30 days next preceding the day fixed for the closing of the registration books for the recall election and once during the calendar week next preceding the week in which the recall election is held. 
