19:24-4 - National convention delegates

19:24-4  National convention delegates.

19:24-4.  Not less than 100 members of each such political party may file with the Attorney General at least 57 days prior to the presidential primary election in any year of a national convention a petition requesting that the name of a person therein indorsed shall be printed on the presidential primary ticket of such political party as candidate for the position of delegate-at-large or alternate-at-large, to be chosen by the party voters throughout the State to the national convention of that party, or as a delegate or alternate to be chosen to that convention by the voters of any congressional district.

The signers to the petition for any delegate-at-large or alternate-at-large shall be legal voters resident in the State; and the signers for any delegate or alternate from any Congressional district shall be voters of such district.

The Attorney General shall not later than the 48th day preceding the presidential primary election certify to each county clerk and county board such nominations for delegates and alternates-at-large and the nominations for delegate or alternate for any Congressional district.

Amended 1948, c.2, s.29; 1974, c.9, s.2; 1985, c.92, s.22; 2001, c.211, s.2; 2005, c.136, s.36.