19:24-1 - Notification relative to number of delegates, alternates to be elected

19:24-1  Notification relative to number of delegates, alternates to be elected.
19:24-1.  In every year in which presidential primary elections are to be held as herein provided for the election of delegates and alternates to the national conventions of political parties, including any national mid-term convention or conference of a political party, the chairman of the State committee of each political party shall notify the Attorney General, on or before December 20 of that preceding year, of the number of delegates-at-large and the number of alternates-at-large to be elected to the next national convention of such party by the voters of the party throughout the State, and also of the number of delegates and alternates to be chosen to such convention in the respective congressional districts or other territorial subdivisions of the State as mentioned in such notification.

If the State chairmen, or either of them, shall fail to file notice, the Attorney General shall ascertain such facts from the call for its national convention issued by the National or State committee.

Amended 1946, c.11, ss.15,17; (1946, c.11, ss.15,17; repealed 1948, c.2, s.32); 1948, c.2, s.27; 1965, c.4, s.12; 1978, c.15, s.5; 2005, c. 136, s.34; 2007, c.61, s.12.