19:23-56 - Certificates of election of members of state committee

19:23-56.  Certificates of election of members of state committee
    The county clerk shall issue a certificate to the male or males receiving the highest number of votes among the male candidates for the number of positions to be filled by male members of the State committee and to the female  or females receiving the highest number of votes among the female candidates  for the number of positions to be filled by female members of the State  committee of any political party at the primary as shown by the returns in the  county clerk's office.  A divided position shall be filled by the one male and  the one female candidate receiving the highest number of votes among the male  and female candidates for such position.  The county clerk shall issue a  certificate of election to said male and said female candidates.

     Amended by L.1978, c. 15, s. 4, eff. March 30, 1978.