19:23-46 - Determination of right to vote

19:23-46  Determination of right to vote.

19:23-46.  Each voter offering to vote shall announce his name and the party primary in which he wishes to vote.  The district board shall thereupon ascertain by reference to the signature copy register or the primary election registry book required for either the presidential primary or the primary election for the general election by this title, as the case may be, and, in municipalities not having permanent registration, if necessary by reference to the primary party poll books of the preceding presidential primary election or primary election for the general election, that such voter is registered as required by this title and also that he is not ineligible or otherwise disqualified by the provisions of section 19:23-45 of this title; in which event he shall be allowed to vote.

Amended 2005, c.136, s.31.