19:23-10 - Single or several petitions; signing rules and regulations

19:23-10  Single or several petitions; signing rules and regulations.

19:23-10. Not all of the names of petitioners need be signed to a single petition, but any number of petitions of the same purport may be filed; but in the aggregate the signatures thereto indorsing any one person shall be the number required by this title.  The signers to petitions shall not therein indorse or recommend more persons as candidates for the position than are to be chosen at the ensuing primary election in the State or political subdivision in which the signers to the petition reside, nor shall such signers indorse more persons as candidates for nomination to office than are to be elected in the state or political subdivision.

No member of one political party shall sign his name to any petition purporting to indorse any person as a candidate for office of another political party.

A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate, the petition required for that candidate to seek nomination for elective office.

amended 2010, c.68, s.3.