19:19-5 - Statements obtained

19:19-5.  Statements obtained
    If such adjournment is occasioned by the fact that at the time fixed for the  meeting of the board the statements from every election district have not been  filed with the clerk of the county, such clerk shall forthwith, by a special  messenger, or otherwise, at the expense of the county, obtain the statement or  statements that shall be lacking, in time to be produced to the board at its  next meeting, and for this purpose the statements directed to be filed with the  clerk of any municipality wherein such election was held, or those directed to  be filed with the county clerk, or a copy certified by the secretary of state  of the statements transmitted to him, shall be sufficient. The clerk of the  board shall lay before it, at its subsequent meeting, all the statements and  certified copies that he shall have obtained as above directed.