19:19-11 - Form of certificate to statement of canvass

19:19-11.  Form of certificate to statement of canvass
    The certificate shall be in substantially the following form:   "I do hereby  certify that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the result  of the election above-mentioned, as the same is exhibited by the statements  produced and laid before the board of county canvassers according to law, and  that the same exhibits the number of the names in the signature copy registers  and the registers of voters, the number of names of the voters in the poll  books of the election districts, respectively, and of the ballots rejected, the  whole number of the names in the signature copy registers and the registers of  voters, the whole number of names of the voters in the poll books of the  several election districts, the name of each person for whom any vote or votes  were cast, the number of votes cast for each person in each election district,  and the whole number of votes cast for each person for each office designated,  and also specifies each public question voted upon and the number of votes cast  thereupon in each election district respectively, and the whole number of votes  cast thereupon in the several election districts as they appear by the statements so produced and laid before the said board.  In witness whereof, I  have hereunto set my hand, this day of        , in the year of our Lord  one thousand nine hundred and Chairman of the board of county  canvassers.  Attest:          , Clerk."