19:16-5 - Invalid ballots marked "void," numbering, stringing 

19:16-5.     Invalid ballots marked "void," numbering, stringing 
     19:16-5.  In every case in which a ballot shall be declared invalid, the same shall not be canvassed or counted, but shall be marked "void" on the outside thereof, and shall be numbered consecutively along with valid ballots, and shall be preserved like other ballots and placed in proper order on the string or wire with the valid ballots. 

    Ballots which shall be declared invalid with respect to a part of the officers to be voted for or public questions to be voted upon shall be canvassed, estimated and numbered with respect to the part which is not invalid and preserved as other ballots and placed in their proper order on the string with the valid ballots. 

    Amended 1992,c.3,s.1.