19:14-6 - Column designations; accompanying instructions
19:14-6 Column designations; accompanying instructions.
19:14-6. In each column, immediately below the six-point rule, shall be printed the proper word or words to designate the column, to be known as the "column designation."
In the columns at the extreme left shall be printed the name of each of the political parties which made nominations at the next preceding presidential primary election, during the same year such an election is held, and the next preceding primary election for the general election every year, directly under which shall appear the words "to vote for any candidate whose name appears in the column below, mark a cross x, plus + or check in the square at the left of the name of such candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to any office." Such columns shall be three inches in width.
The column next to the right of such columns shall be designated "personal choice," under which shall appear the words "in the blank column below, under the proper title of office, the voter may write or paste the name of any person for whom he desires to vote, whose name is not printed on this ballot, and shall mark a cross x, plus + or check in the square at the left of such name. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to any office." There shall also be the same instructions regarding electors of president and vice-president which now appear at the head of all other columns. This column shall be four inches in width.
The remaining column or columns, as the case may be, shall each be designated "Nomination by Petition," under which shall be printed the words "to vote for any candidate whose name appears in the column below mark a cross x, plus + or check in the square at the left of the name of such candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to any office." These columns shall be four inches in width.
Below the column designations and accompanying instructions and not more than one and one-half inches below the six-point diagram rule and parallel thereto, shall be printed a six-point diagram rule extending across the entire ballot from one four point rule to the other.
Amended 1947, c.104, s.2; 2005, c.136, s.22.