19:14-34 - County clerks to municipal clerks;  packages sealed;  record of delivery;  receipts

19:14-34.  County clerks to municipal clerks;  packages sealed;  record of delivery;  receipts
    The county clerks of the several counties, not later than three days prior to the general election shall cause to be delivered to the clerk of each municipality within their respective counties, the number of ballots hereinbefore required to be provided for each election district within his municipality at such election.  The same shall be delivered in sealed packages,  one for each election district of the municipality, with marks or directions on  the outside of each clearly stating the election district for which it is  intended, together with the number of ballots.  The county clerk shall also  keep a record of the time when and the manner in which each of the packages was  delivered.  Receipts for the ballots thus delivered shall be given by the clerk  receiving the same and filed with the county clerk, and shall be preserved by  such clerk for the period of one year.