19:14-3 - Detachable coupon;  printing thereon

19:14-3.  Detachable coupon;  printing thereon
    Each ballot shall have at the top a detachable coupon the width of the ballot above a perforated line not less than two inches from and parallel to the upper edge of the paper.  These coupons shall be numbered consecutively from one to the number of ballots delivered to and received by the member or members of the district board for their respective election district.

    Upon the coupon and above the perforated line shall be the words: "Ballot No. (number in figures)"  as near the center of the coupon as may be practical,  and below said number, and above perforated line shall be printed the following  words:   "To be torn off by the member of the board of registry and election in  charge of the ballot box on election day." "Fold to this line."
19:14-4.Official general election, school election ballot specification
19:14-4.  In the center of the ballot immediately below the perforated line shall be printed in bold-faced type the words "Official general election ballot."  Below these words and extending across the ballot shall appear the words:  "Name of (municipality), ...................... ward, .................... election district, ...................... date of election, .................. John Doe, county clerk."  The blank spaces shall be filled in with the name of the proper municipality, the ward and district numbers and the date of the election.  For school elections the name of the school district and of the municipality or municipalities comprising the district shall also be indicated thereon.  The name of the county clerk shall be a facsimile of his signature.  Below the last stated words extending across the ballot and at the extreme left shall be printed the words "Instructions to the voter," and immediately to the right there shall be a bracket embracing the following instructions numbered consecutively:

(1) The only kind of a mark to be made on this ballot in voting shall be a cross x, plus + or check  .

(2) To mark a cross x , plus +, check   or when writing a name on this ballot use only ink or pencil.

(3) To vote for any candidates whose names are printed in any column, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the names of such candidates not in excess of the number to be elected to the office.

(4) To vote for any person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write or paste the name of such person under the proper title of office in the column designated personal choice and mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square to the left of the name so written or pasted.

(5) To vote upon any public question printed on this ballot if in favor thereof, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the word "Yes," and if opposed thereto, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the word "No."

(6) Do not mark this ballot in any other manner than above provided for and make no erasures.  Should this ballot be wrongly marked, defaced, torn or any erasure made thereon or otherwise rendered unfit for use return it and obtain another.  In presidential years, the following instructions shall be printed upon the general election ballot:

(7) To vote for all the electors of any party, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in ink or pencil in the square at the left of the surnames of the candidates for president and vice-president for whom you desire to vote.

Below the above-stated instructions and information and, except when compliance with section 19:14-15 of this Title as to Statewide propositions otherwise requires, three inches below the perforated line and parallel to it, there shall be printed a six-point diagram rule extending across the ballot to within not less than a half inch to the right and left edges of the paper.

Amended 1941,c.166,s.2; 1947,c.104,s.1; 1994,c.77,s.6; 1995,c.278,s.17.