19:14-14 - Public questions at foot of ballot;  instructions to voters

19:14-14.  Public questions at foot of ballot;  instructions to voters
    Immediately below the six-point diagram rule to be printed in place of the last two-point hair line rule across the entire ballot, from one four-point rule to the other, shall be printed as near to the center of the ballot as possible the following words:   "Public Questions to be voted upon" .  Below these words and above the first public question, beginning one and one-half inches to the right of the four-point rule at the left of the ballot and extending to not more than one and one-half inches from the four-point rule at the right of the ballot, shall be printed in one line, if possible, the following instructions:   "To vote upon the Public Questions printed below, if in favor thereof mark a cross  x  or plus + in the square at the left of the word "Yes', and if opposed thereto, mark a cross  x  or plus + in the square at  the left of the word "No'," underscored with a two-point diagram rule. Below  and flush with the left end of said two-point diagram rule shall be printed two  separate squares, one under the other, three-eighths of an inch in size formed  by two-point diagram rules.  Immediately to the right of the upper square shall  be printed the word  "Yes" , and immediately to the right of the lower square shall be printed the word  "No" .  To the right of the words  "Yes"  and "No"  shall be printed a bracket embracing these words and to the right of the  bracket shall be printed across the ballot, to not nearer than one and one-half  inches from the four-point diagram rule at the right of the ballot, each public  question to be voted upon.  Below each such public question shall be printed  two-point diagram rule beginning one and one-half inches to the right of the  four-point rule at the left of the ballot and extending to not nearer than one  and one-half inches from the four-point rule at the right of the ballot.  In  place of the last two-point diagram rule there shall be printed a four-point  diagram rule extending across the entire ballot not less than a half inch from  the lower edge of the paper and terminating at the lower ends of the four-point  diagram rules at either side of the ballot.

     Amended by L.1947, c. 104, p. 522, s. 3;  L.1979, c. 191, s. 2, eff. Sept. 13,  1979.