19:11-1 - Day for filing documents or performing official duties falling on  Sunday or legal holiday

19:11-1.  Day for filing documents or performing official duties falling on  Sunday or legal holiday
    Should the day for the filing of any petition, declination, resignation, instrument in writing or other paper or document required to be filed in any office under the provisions of this title, or for the performance of any duty required by this title by any person, candidate or official, fall upon the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, or any legal holiday, such filing or performance of duty shall be effected upon the next following business day.

19:12-1  Certification as to creation of political party.

19:12-1.  The Secretary of State shall within thirty days after the completion of the canvass by the board of State canvassers, certify to each county clerk and county board the fact that at the next preceding general election held for the election of all of the members of the General Assembly ten per centum (10%) of the total vote cast in the State for members of the General Assembly had been cast for candidates having the same designation, thereby creating, within the meaning of this Title, a political party, to be known and recognized as such under the same designation as used by the candidates for whom the required number of votes were cast.

The Secretary of State shall also not later than the sixtieth day preceding the presidential primary election in each presidential year in which electors of President and Vice-President of the United States are to be selected, and not later than the sixtieth day preceding the primary election for the general election in which a representative of the United States Senate, members of the House of Representatives, a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, or Senator, or member or members of the General Assembly for any county, or any of them, are to be elected or any public question is to be submitted to the voters of the entire State, direct and cause to be delivered to the clerk of the county and the county board wherein any such election is to be held, a notice stating that such officer or officers are to be elected and that such public question is to be submitted to the voters of the entire State at the ensuing general election.

Amended 1946, c.11, ss.8,17 (1946, c.11, ss.8,17; repealed 1948, c.2, s.32); 1948, c.2, s.12; 2005, c.136, s.15; 2009, c.66, s.2.