18A:73-47 - Agreements for cooperation and assistance by department and division

18A:73-47.  Agreements for cooperation and assistance by department and division
    In furtherance of the objectives of this act, the commissioner or, with his  approval, the Director of the State Museum may enter into agreements providing  for the cooperation and assistance of the department and the division with any  public or nonprofit agency, foundation or organization engaging in some or all  of the activities set forth in section 3 of this act. Such cooperation and  assistance may include financial assistance, provided, however, that any  financial assistance shall be only to the extent that appropriations or other  available resources will permit.

    If the department shall determine that the acquisition of any museum or museum activity is in the public interest it may enter into agreements for such  purposes.  Any agreements which would obligate the State or any of its agencies  to assume financial responsibility for the operation or the acquisition of any  museum or museum collection or other activities shall be approved in writing by  the commissioner and the Governor.

     L.1977, c. 399, s. 4, eff. Feb. 23, 1978.