18A:66-181 - Payment of death benefits

18A:66-181.  Payment of death benefits
    Any such group policy or policies shall provide that payment of any death benefits which are payable by the insurance company may be made in one sum directly to the beneficiary as hereinafter provided, in equal installments over  a period of years or as a life annuity or in such other manner as may be made  available by the insurance company.  A participant may make such arrangements  for settlement, and may alter from time to time during his lifetime any  arrangement previously made, by making written request to the insurance company  through the policyholder.  Upon the death of a participant, a beneficiary to  whom a benefit is payable in one sum by the insurance company may likewise  arrange for a settlement as described above.

     L.1969, c. 242, s. 15, eff. July 1, 1969.