18A:65-37 - Payments, in lieu of interest, on proceeds of public land scrip

18A:65-37.  Payments, in lieu of interest, on proceeds of public land scrip    The sum which is paid by the state annually in semiannual payments pursuant  to the certificates of indebtedness which were issued under section 2 of the  act entitled  "A supplement to the act entitled "An act appropriating scrip for  the public lands granted to the state of New Jersey by the act of congress,  approved July 2, 1862,' approved April 4, 1864," approved June 13, 1895  (L.1895, c. 417, s. 2, p. 805), together with the amendment thereto approved  March 30, 1896 (L.1896, c. 135, p. 192), upon the payment or transfer to the  state sinking fund of the fund of $116,000.00 which arose from the sale of the  scrip for public lands granted to the state by the act of congress approved  July 2, 1862, shall be paid to the corporation for the special purposes and  upon the special conditions set forth in sections 18A:65-38, 18A:65-39 and  18A:65-40 incl.
L.1967, c.271.