18A:6-7 - Oaths of persons employed in teaching capacities

18A:6-7.  Oaths of persons employed in teaching capacities
    Every person who is a citizen of the United States, and who is employed as a  professor, instructor, teacher or in any teaching capacity by or in any school,  college, state college, university or other educational institution in this  state which is supported in whole or in part by public funds, directly or  through contract or otherwise with or on behalf of the state shall, before  entering into the discharge of his duties, take and subscribe to the oath of  allegiance and office prescribed in section 41:1-3 of the Revised Statutes, and  any person who is a citizen or subject of any other country and who is so  employed, shall, likewise, take and subscribe to an oath to support the  constitution of the United States while so employed, a copy of which oath shall  be filed with his said employer.
L.1967, c.271.