18A:54-20 - Powers of board
18A:54-20. Powers of board
18A:54-20. The board of education of a county vocational school district may:
a. Purchase, sell, and improve school grounds, erect, purchase, lease, enlarge, improve, and repair school buildings, including any building or buildings for school purposes owned by any municipality or school district in such county, with or without furnishings and equipment, and purchase school furniture and other necessary equipment;
b. Take and condemn land and other property for school purposes in the manner provided by law regulating the ascertainment and payment of compensation for property condemned and taken for public uses. If either party shall feel aggrieved by any proceedings and award thereunder, he may appeal in the manner provided by law for appeals from such proceedings and award;
c. Insure school buildings, furniture, and other school property, and receive, lease, and hold in trust any and all real and personal property for the benefit of the school district;
d. Employ and dismiss principals, teachers, janitors, mechanics, and laborers; fix, alter, and order paid their salaries and compensation, and prescribe the course of study to be pursued;
e. Appoint a treasurer, who shall not be a member of the board of education and fix his salary and term of office. The treasurer shall give bond in such amounts and with such security as the board shall determine;
f. Make, amend, and repeal rules, not inconsistent with this title, or with the rules of the State board, for its own government, for the transaction of business, and for the government and management of the school and school property under its control;
g. Suspend and expel pupils from school;
h. Provide textbooks and other necessary supplies and apparatus;
i. Adopt an official seal by which all its official acts may be authenticated;
j. Make an annual report to the commissioner on or before August 1 in the manner and form prescribed by him;
k. Appoint a secretary and fix his salary and term of office; and
l. Borrow by temporary loan such sum as may be necessary to meet the current expenses of such school district, not exceeding 80% of the anticipated tuition payments to be received from sending districts. Such temporary obligation, if any, shall be paid first out of the moneys received under this chapter.
L.1967, c.271; amended 1990,c.52,s.72.