18A:51-2 - County educational audiovisual aids commission

18A:51-2.  County educational audiovisual aids commission
    The supervision, management and control of such center shall be vested in a  county educational audiovisual aids commission which shall consist of seven members who shall serve without compensation.  Three members of the commission,  who shall be known as members of the first class, shall be chosen from the  membership of the boards of education of the participating school districts,  three members of the commission, who shall be known as members of the second  class, shall be chosen from the membership of the professional staffs of said  boards of education whose offices, positions or employments are such as to  require them to hold appropriate certificates in full force and effect in this  state, and one member of the commission, who shall be known as the librarian  member, shall be the county librarian if there be a county library in the  county, who shall hold office ex officio, and if there be no county library in  the county, then such member shall be chosen from among the librarians of the  libraries in the county supported in whole or in part by public funds.
L.1967, c.271.