Section 18A:4
- 18A:4-1 - State department of education continued; composition
- 18A:4-2 - Offices
- 18A:4-3 - Membership qualifications
- 18A:4-4 - Appointment of members; terms; vacancies
- 18A:4-5 - Continuation of present state board; appointment of successors
- 18A:4-6 - Expenses of members; no compensation
- 18A:4-7 - Meetings
- 18A:4-8 - Organization of board; officers; vacancies
- 18A:4-9 - Secretary of state board
- 18A:4-10 - General supervision of public education except higher education vested in state board
- 18A:4-11 - Acquisition of land and other property by condemnation
- 18A:4-12 - Use of lands controlled by state board for recreation purposes
- 18A:4-13 - Building operations
- 18A:4-14 - Uniform system of bookkeeping for school districts
- 18A:4-14.1 - Conformity to uniform system
- 18A:4-15 - General rule-making power
- 18A:4-16 - Incidental powers conferred
- 18A:4-17 - Right to administer oaths and examine witnesses; false swearing
- 18A:4-18 - Compelling attendance of school personnel
- 18A:4-19 - Subpoenas; penalty
- 18A:4-20 - Annual report to legislature
- 18A:4-21 - Appointment; term; qualifications; salary
- 18A:4-22 - Chief officer of the department
- 18A:4-23 - Supervision of schools; enforcement of rules
- 18A:4-24 - Determining efficiency of schools; report to state board
- 18A:4-25 - Prescribing minimum courses of study for public schools; approval of courses of study
- 18A:4-26 - Acceptance of grants and donations
- 18A:4-27 - Notice and hearing
- 18A:4-28 - Materials for guidance of teachers
- 18A:4-29 - Instruction of county superintendents and superintendents of schools; meetings
- 18A:4-30 - Annual report of comparative financial statistics of school districts
- 18A:4-31 - Right to administer oaths, take affidavits and examine witnesses; false swearing
- 18A:4-32 - Assistant commissioners; appointment; compensation
- 18A:4-33 - Deputy commissioner
- 18A:4-34 - Duties of assistant commissioner
- 18A:4-35 - Directors, inspectors and assistants
- 18A:4-36 - Helping teachers, salaries and expense allowance
- 18A:4-37 - Payment of salaries and expenses
- 18A:4-38 - Employment of clerks and other employees; compensation
- 18A:4-39 - Record of official acts; seal; copies of papers
- 18A:4-40 - Monthly, annual and other reports to state board
- 18A:4-41 - Waiving of certain requirements
- 18A:4-42 - Findings, declarations relative to Italian heritage and cultural and educational programs
- 18A:4-43 - New Jersey Commission on Italian and Americans of Italian Heritage Cultural and Educational Programs
- 18A:4-44 - Responsibilities, duties of commission
- 18A:4-45 - Assistance to commission
- 18A:4-46 - Duties of commission relative to Institute of Italian and Italian American Heritage Studies