18A:23-10 - Cancellation of license;  review

18A:23-10.  Cancellation of license;  review
    Upon proof that any public school accountant shall have knowingly omitted to  report any error, omission, irregularity, violation of law or discrepancy found  in the books or accounts, or shall have issued false reports of his audit of  any school district;  that is to say, shall have issued audits of such a nature  as not to show an accurate, intelligent and complete statement of the financial  condition of the school district, or of such a nature as not to comply with the  requirements of the commissioner, or if such auditor or accountant shall fail  to file such report and recommendations as required by section 18A:23-3, or  neglect or refuse to carry out any agreement or contract for audit, his license  as a public school accountant may be canceled by the state board of public  accountants. Such cancellation shall not affect the accountant's right to  practice as a registered municipal accountant or as a certified public  accountant.

    Upon cancellation or refusal of a license pursuant to this section, a person  aggrieved thereby shall have the right to have the matter reviewed by a  proceeding in the superior court in lieu of prerogative writ.
L.1967, c.271.