17:47-2 - Classes of risks
17:47-2. Classes of risks
   The underwriters when authorized as hereinafter provided may insure classes of risks as follows:
   a. Against loss or damage to property by fire, lightning or tempest on land.
   b. Upon vessels, freight, goods, money, effects, bottomry and respondentia interests and every insurance appertaining to or connected with marine and inland risks of navigation and transportation, including insurance against loss or damage to automobiles or other vehicles, whether stationary or being operated under their own power, by any of the hazards of fire, lightning, tempest, explosion, transportation by land or water, collision, burglary and theft, and against legal liability for damage to property of others resulting from their maintenance and operation.
   c. Against loss or damage by water to any goods or premises arising from the breakage or leakage of sprinklers, pumps or other apparatus erected for extinguishing fires, and of water pipes, and against accidental injury to the sprinklers and other apparatus.