17:36-5.20a - Cancellation, non-renewal of homeowners insurance prohibited under certain circumstances
17:36-5.20a. Cancellation, non-renewal of homeowners insurance prohibited under certain circumstances 1.No insurer authorized to do business in this State shall cancel or non-renew an insurance policy covering an owner occupied one-to-four family dwelling solely because of claims or losses due to weather-related damage or a third-party criminal act committed by someone who is not a resident of the insured dwelling, unless the claim or loss identifies or confirms an increase in hazard, a material change in the risk assumed or a breach of contractual duties, conditions or warranties that materially affect the nature or the insurability of the risk. However, this section shall not be construed to prohibit an insurer from offering to continue coverage on different terms and conditions if the insured fails to reduce the risk of additional or future claims or losses, either by effecting necessary repairs or taking other remedial action.
L.1999, c.290.