17:28-5 - Policy provisions

17:28-5.  Policy provisions
    From and after the first day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine,  no master policy, individual contract or certificate of insurance upon or  affecting any financed automobile shall be issued or delivered in this State  unless the form of such policy, contract or certificate shall conform to all  the requirements or restrictions appropriate thereto as hereinafter set forth.

    a.  Any policy covering a financed automobile, whether issued as a master policy or as an individual contract, shall contain in substance the same provisions as those contained in policies insuring against similar perils otherwise generally issued in this State upon other automobiles by the company issuing such policy or contract;

    b.  Any certificate of insurance issued in connection with a master policy shall contain such provisions of the master policy, to the extent and in such form, as the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance shall require;

    c.  Every master policy, individual contract or certificate of insurance covering any financed automobile shall be printed in type not less than eight point and shall state the perils insured against, the limits of coverage and the premiums applicable to each such peril;

    d.  Every master policy shall contain a provision that there shall be delivered by the insurer to the owner or purchaser of a financed automobile insured thereunder a certificate of insurance not later than twenty days after the effective date of the insurance represented thereby;

    e.  Every master policy shall contain a provision that, in the event of the  cancellation of the insurance represented by any certificate of insurance,  evidence of the payment of the return premium to the purchaser or owner of the  automobile covered by such insurance as his interest may appear must be  presented to the insurance company before payment of the return premium is made  to the policyholder;

    f.  Every master policy or individual contract issued by any mutual or other  company issuing participating policies shall contain a provision that any  dividend apportioned thereto shall be paid to the purchaser or owner and the  policyholder as their respective interests may appear;

    g.  No master policy, individual contract or certificate of insurance shall  contain any provision which is unfair, unjust, inequitable or contrary to  public interest.

     L.1939, c. 74, p. 118, s. 2.