17:28-2 - Effect of insolvency or bankruptcy on paying damages;  policy provisions

17:28-2.  Effect of insolvency or bankruptcy on paying damages;  policy provisions
    No policy of insurance against loss or damage resulting from accident to or  injury suffered by an employee or other person and for which the person insured  is liable, or against loss or damage to property caused by animals or by any  vehicle drawn, propelled or operated by any motive power, and for which loss or  damage the person insured is liable, shall be issued or delivered in this state  by any insurer authorized to do business in this state, unless there is  contained within the policy a provision that the insolvency or bankruptcy of  the person insured shall not release the insurance carrier from the payment of  damages for injury sustained or loss occasioned during the life of the policy,  and stating that in case execution against the insured is returned unsatisfied  in an action brought by the injured person, or his personal representative in  case death results from the accident, because of the insolvency or bankruptcy,  then an action may be maintained by the injured person, or his personal representative, against the corporation under the terms of the policy for the  amount of the judgment in the action not exceeding the amount of the policy.   No such policy shall be issued or delivered in this state on or after July  first, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, by any corporation or other insurer authorized to do business in this state, unless there is contained within the  policy a provision that notice given by or on behalf of the insured to any  authorized agent of the insurer within this state, with particulars sufficient  to identify the insured, shall be deemed to be notice to the insurer, and also  a provision that failure to give any notice required to be given by the policy  within the time specified therein shall not invalidate any claim made by the  insured if it is shown not to have been reasonably possible to give the notice  within the prescribed time and that notice was given as soon as was reasonably possible.  Unless any such policy of insurance against loss or damage resulting from accident to or injury suffered by an employee or other person and for  which the person insured is liable, hereafter issued or renewed in this state,  sets forth expressly in words at length and in bold-faced type, "This policy  does not insure against loss or damage arising out of claims for loss of  services of the person injured and for which loss or damage the insured is  legally liable" , the policy shall be deemed to insure against such loss or damage.

    A policy issued in violation of this section shall, nevertheless, be held valid but be deemed to include the provisions required by this section, and when any provision in the policy or rider is in conflict with the provisions required to be contained by this section, the rights, duties and obligations of  the insurer, the policyholder and the injured person shall be governed by the  provisions of this section.