17:27-2 - Approval by directors and stockholders; notice of meetings
17:27-2. Approval by directors and stockholders; notice of meetings The agreement must be assented to by vote of the majority of the number of directors of each corporation and must be approved by the votes of stockholders owning at least two-thirds of the stock of each corporation voted in person or by proxy at a meeting called separately for that purpose, upon notice stating the time, place and object of the meeting, served at least thirty days previously upon each stockholder personally or mailed to him at his last known address and also published at least once a week for four weeks successively in some newspaper printed in the county where such corporation has its principal office, and there shall be endorsed upon the agreement a certificate of the secretaries of the respective corporations under the seals thereof to the effect that the same has been assented to by such votes of the directors and approved by such votes of the stockholders.
Amended by L.1938, c. 259, p. 575, s. 2.