Section 17:16U
- 17:16U-1 - Findings, declarations relative to voluntary compliance reviews by depository institutions
- 17:16U-2 - Definitions relative to voluntary compliance reviews by depository institutions
- 17:16U-3 - Report deemed privileged
- 17:16U-4 - Privilege of persons involved in preparation of report
- 17:16U-5 - Privileges not applicable, conditions
- 17:16U-6 - Certain materials not considered privileged
- 17:16U-7 - Use of privileged information prohibited; limited disclosure
- 17:16U-8 - Other privileges unaffected
- 17:16U-9 - Circumvention of privilege prohibited
- 17:16U-10 - Information remains privileged; exceptions
- 17:16U-11 - Access of third party restricted