17:16K-7 - Definitions
17:16K-7. Definitions
1. As used in this act:
"Access area" means any paved walkway or sidewalk which is within 50 feet of an automated teller machine or the entrance of an automated teller machine facility and is used by the public to access the machine or facility. The term does not include publicly maintained sidewalks or roads.
"Access device" means a card, code, or other means of access to a customer's credit or deposit account, or any combination thereof, that may be used by the customer for the purpose of effecting a transaction at an automated teller machine.
"Automated teller machine" means any electronic information processing device located in the State of New Jersey which accepts or dispenses cash in connection with a credit or deposit account. The term does not include tellers' stations staffed by a person or other manned facilities.
"Automated teller machine facility" means an enclosed area, the principal purpose of which is the housing of one or more operating automated teller machines to which customers have access to conduct transactions with respect to a credit or deposit account.
"Candlefoot power" means the light intensity of candles on a horizontal plane at 36 inches above ground level and five feet in front of the area to be measured.
"Control" of an access area or defined parking area means the present authority to determine how, when, and by whom any such area is to be used, and how it is to be maintained, lighted, and landscaped.
"Customer" means a natural person to whom an access device has been issued for personal, family, or household use.
"Defined parking area" means that portion of any parking area open for customer parking which is (1) contiguous to an access area; (2) regularly, principally, and lawfully used for parking by users of an automated teller machine or automated teller machine facility while conducting automated teller machine transactions during hours of darkness; and (3) owned or leased by the operator of an automated teller machine or owned or controlled by the party leasing an automated teller machine or automated teller machine facility site to the operator. The term does not include any parking area which is not open or regularly used for parking by users who are conducting automated teller machine transactions during hours of darkness. A parking area is not open if it is physically closed to access or if conspicuous signs indicate that it is closed. If a multiple level parking area satisfies the conditions of this definition of "defined parking area" and would therefore otherwise be a defined parking area, only the single parking level deemed by the operator of an automated teller machine or automated teller machine facility to be the most directly accessible to users shall be a defined parking area.
"Hours of darkness" means the period that commences 30 minutes after sunset and ends 30 minutes before sunrise.
"Operator" means any State or federally chartered bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or other entity, which operates an automated teller machine.
"User" means any person to whom an access device has been issued.
"Video camera" includes any image recording device which is capable of recording a clear image of the required areas of coverage as provided in section 3 of this act.