16:1-6 - Property;  power of sale;  authorization

16:1-6.  Property;  power of sale;  authorization
    The trustees of any church or religious society and their successors in office or a majority of them are authorized and empowered to sell at public or private sale and convey in fee simple or otherwise all the church and parsonage  property of such church or religious society together with all the estate,  right, title and interest which the said trustees or stewards or other officers  now have or may have in the same by virtue of any deeds of conveyance or  otherwise, if the sale is authorized and directed by a majority of the members  present at any meeting called by the trustees and held at its usual place of  public worship, after at least ten days' notice of the time and place and  object of such meeting, by advertisement set up in open view at or near the  place of meeting, which notice shall be signed by the president and secretary  of the board of trustees or by a majority of the trustees.