15A:16-1 - Acts saved from repeal
15A:16-1. Acts saved from repeal
The following are saved from repeal:
R.S. 15:1-6 is saved from repeal. This section deals with specially incorporated boards of trade;
R.S. 15:1-23 is saved from repeal. This section preserves certain nonprofit corporations in existence prior to July 4, 1898;
R.S. 15:4-1 to R.S. 15:4-4 inclusive are saved from repeal. These sections govern detective associations;
R.S. 15:5-1 to R.S. 15:5-7 inclusive are saved from repeal. These sections provide for a procedure for owners to drain swamp and meadow grounds and provide assessments for their drainage;
"An act to enable the owners of tide swamps and marshes to improve the same, and the owners of meadows already banked in and held by different persons, to keep the same in good repair," passed November 29, 1788, together with all amendments and supplements thereto which were saved from repeal by R.S. 15:5-8 is saved from repeal;
P.L.1957, c. 201 (C. 15:5-8(58)) is saved from repeal. This act supplements "An act to enable the owners of tide swamps and marshes to improve the same, and the owners of meadows already banked in and held by different persons, to keep the same in good repair," passed November 29, 1788;
P.L.1880, c. 163, entitled "An act for incorporation of companies for draining and improving meadows and lands overflowed by tide water," together with the supplements thereto, saved from repeal by R.S. 15:5-9, is saved from repeal;
"An act to enable two-thirds of the owners in value of any body or tract of salt marsh or meadow, within this State, using a common road to the fast land, to support the same," passed November 18, 1822 together with the supplement thereto, saved from repeal by R.S. 15:5-10, is saved from repeal;
P.L.1881, c. 146, entitled "An act to enable the owners of any island, or part thereof, to improve the same and to protect the same from damage by high tides," saved from repeal by R.S. 15:5-11, is saved from repeal;
R.S. 15:8-4 is saved from repeal. This section provides for the appointment by a volunteer fire company of members to perform police duties, their qualifications, and their power to arrest offenders;
R.S. 15:8-5 is saved from repeal. This section provides for the issuance of exempt certificates to volunteer firemen on establishment of a paid fire department;
R.S. 15:8-7 is saved from repeal. This section provides for disposition of accumulated fire department funds on expiration of the charter of the volunteer fire department;
R.S. 15:11-7 and R.S. 15:11-8 are saved from repeal. These sections deal with land acquisition rights of certain nonprofit corporations created for educational purposes, including the power to acquire by condemnation;
R.S. 15:13-3 is saved from repeal. This section deals with the taxability of patriotic societies;
P.L.1969, c. 291 (C. 15:11-4.1) is saved from repeal. This section deals with trustees of certain colleges and universities created by special charter and authorizes the appointment or election of additional members to the board of trustees;
P.L.1975, c. 26, ss. 1 to 10 (C. 15:18-15 to C. 15:18-24 inclusive) are saved from repeal. These sections enacted the "Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act" ;
P.L.1971, c. 337, ss. 1 to 6 (C. 15:19-1 to C. 15:19-6 inclusive) are saved from repeal. These sections deal with private foundations and split interest trusts as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended and supplemented.
L.1983, c. 127, s. 15A:16-1, eff. Oct. 1, 1983.