15:5-6 - Proceedings if lands to be overflowed or filled in abut on lands of other meadow company
15:5-6. Proceedings if lands to be overflowed or filled in abut on lands of other meadow company
15:5-6. If the lands of a meadow company taking advantage of sections 15:5-3 to 15:5-7 abut on the lands of another meadow company, and it shall be necessary to erect a cross bank to protect the adjoining meadow company from the overflow or the fill, the managers of the meadow company so taking advantage of said sections 15:5-3 to 15:5-7, or a majority of them, may apply to the Superior Court for the appointment of three judicious and disinterested persons well acquainted with banked meadows, as commissioners. The commissioners shall be appointed by the court after the giving of such notice of the application as the court prescribes, and when appointed, after giving such notice of the time and place of meeting as the court directs, shall view the premises, hear the parties in interest, may adjourn from time to time, and shall lay out the correct bank required to protect the adjoining meadows and cause the same to be constructed, the cost thereof to be paid by each meadow company in accordance with the assessments made by the commissioners. If the adjoining meadow company refuses to pay its proportion of the assessment, the company taking advantage of said sections 15:5-3 to 15:5-7 shall, in the first instance, pay the cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the adjoining company by the commissioners shall be returned in the report of the commissioners to the Superior Court. The collection of the same by the managers of the company so taking advantage of said sections 15:5-3 to 15:5-7 may be enforced by a civil action in any competent court or by a proceeding in lieu of prerogative writ. The commissioners shall receive such compensation as said court may order, to be paid by the plaintiffs.
Amended 1953, c.15, s.4; 1991,c.91,s.229.