14A:11-10 - Costs and expenses of action

14A:11-10.  Costs and expenses of action    The costs and expenses of bringing an action pursuant to section 14A:11-8 shall be determined by the court and shall be apportioned and assessed as the court may find equitable upon the parties or any of them. Such expenses shall include reasonable compensation for and reasonable expenses of the appraiser, if any, but shall exclude the fees and expenses of counsel for and experts employed by any party;  but if the court finds that the offer of payment made by the corporation under section 14A:11-6 was not made in good faith, or if no such offer was made, the court in its discretion may award to any dissenting shareholder who is a party to the action reasonable fees and expenses of his counsel and of any experts employed by the dissenting shareholder.
L.1968, c.350.
14A:11-11.Disposition of shares acquired by corporation
14A:11-11.  Disposition of shares acquired by corporation.

(1) The shares of a dissenting shareholder in a transaction described in subsection 14A:11-1(1) shall become reacquired by the corporation which issued them or by the surviving corporation, as the case may be, upon the payment of the fair value of shares.

(2) (Deleted by amendment, P.L.1995, c.279.)

(3) In an acquisition of shares pursuant to section 14A:10-9 or section 14A:10-13, the shares of a dissenting shareholder shall become the property of the acquiring corporation upon the payment by the acquiring corporation of the fair value of such shares.  Such payment may be made, with the consent of the acquiring corporation, by the corporation which issued the shares, in which case the shares so paid for shall become reacquired by the corporation which issued them and shall be cancelled.

L.1968, c.350; amended 1995,c.279,s.17.