14:3-7 - Land improvement companies;  ferry rights;  sale of franchise for operating ferries;  waiver of exemptions by purchaser

14:3-7.  Land improvement companies;  ferry rights;  sale of franchise for operating ferries;  waiver of exemptions by purchaser
    That any corporation organized under any law of this state for the purpose of laying out and improving such lands as it is authorized to own or purchase, and having power under its act of incorporation or any supplement thereto, to purchase and enjoy ferry rights, shall have power whenever the directors of such company deem it advisable to separate such ferry rights from the other property and franchises of such company, to sell and transfer its franchise of owning, operating and enjoying a ferry or ferries and all its property, real and personal, connected therewith or appurtenant thereto, to any other corporation organized or to be organized under the laws of this state, authorized by law to transact the business of transporting goods, merchandise or passengers by water, at such price and upon such terms as may be agreed upon  by and between the directors of said two corporations, and to receive payment  therefor either in money, property or in the capital stock of such purchasing  corporation;  and after such sale and transfer it shall be lawful for the  corporation purchasing such franchise or franchises, and the property connected  therewith or appurtenant thereto, to possess and enjoy the same as fully in all  respects as the corporation selling the same by its charter or any supplement thereto is authorized to enjoy such rights and franchises; provided, however,  that this act shall not apply to any corporation unless such corporation shall  first and as a condition precedent to the exercise of any power granted by this  act, file in the office of the secretary of state an agreement, to be approved  by the governor and attorney general, waiving all rights of exemption from  taxation and from privileges and advantage arising from any law or contract, if  any there be, establishing any special mode of taxation of any such  corporation, and the further agreement to be bound by any general law of this  state now in existence or that may hereafter be passed, taxing such  corporations as are now authorized to be taxed by the legislature of the state  under any general law, and further agreeing that the exercise of any power  granted by this act shall not in any way affect the rights of the state, if any  there exist, to take the property of such corporation under any existing law of  the state, and agreeing further that all laws affecting such corporations shall  be subject to alteration or repeal by the legislature.

     L.1888, c. 155, s. 1, p. 198 [C.S. p. 2310, s. 12].