13:9C-1 - Definitions 

13:9C-1.       Definitions    1.     As used in this act:


"Council" means the Wetlands Mitigation Council established pursuant to section 14 of P.L.1987, c.156 (C.13:9B-14). 

"Department" means the Department of Environmental Protection.


"Wetlands" means freshwater wetlands as defined pursuant to P.L.1987, c.156 (C.13:9B-1 et al.), or coastal wetlands as defined pursuant to P.L.1970, c.272 (C.13:9A-1 et seq.). 

"Wetlands creation, enhancement, or restoration" means those activities or techniques designed to create wetlands or enhance or restore degraded wetlands. 

"Wetlands permit" means a permit approved and issued by the department for activities regulated pursuant to P.L.1987, c.156 (C.13:9B-1 et al.) or P.L.1970, c.272 (C.13:9A-1 et seq.). 
