13:9B-17 - Prohibited activities
13:9B-17. Prohibited activities
a. The following activities, except for normal property maintenance or minor and temporary disturbances of the transition area resulting from, and necessary for, normal construction activities on land adjacent to the transition area, are prohibited in the transition area, except in accordance with a transition area waiver approved by the department pursuant to section 18 of this act:
(1) Removal, excavation, or disturbance of the soil;
(2) Dumping or filling with any materials;
(3) Erection of structures, except for temporary structures of 150 square feet or less;
(4) Placement of pavements;
(5) Destruction of plant life which would alter the existing pattern of vegetation.
b. A person proposing to engage in an activity prohibited pursuant to subsection a. of this section within 150 feet of a freshwater wetland of exceptional resource value, or within 50 feet of a freshwater wetland of intermediate resource value, shall apply to the department for a transition area waiver, for a fee not to exceed the cost of reviewing and processing the waiver application, and on forms and in the manner prescribed by the commissioner pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L. 1968, c. 410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.). An agency of the State proposing to engage in such an activity in a transition area shall also apply to the department for a transition area waiver on forms and in a manner prescribed by the commissioner but shall not be required to pay a fee therefor. The waiver application shall include at least the following:
(1) A preliminary site plan or subdivision map of the site, or another map of the site if no preliminary site plan or subdivision map exists, containing proposed activities and a written description of the proposed activity, the total areas to be modified, and the total area of the transition area potentially affected; and
(2) Verification that a notice has been forwarded to the clerk, environmental commission, and planning board of the municipality, and the planning board of the county wherein the activity is to occur, which notice shall describe the activity and advise these instrumentalities of local government of their opportunity to submit comments thereon to the department; and
(3) A statement detailing any potential adverse environmental effects of the activity on the freshwater wetlands and any measures that may be necessary to mitigate those effects; and
(4) A transition area averaging plan, if an averaging plan is required in connection with a transition area waiver requested pursuant to section 18 of this act.
c. At the applicant's option, the maximum transition area distances established in subsection b. of section 16 of this act, or a lesser transition area distance established pursuant to a waiver approved pursuant to section 18 of this act, shall be further reduced, or the transition area adjacent to a portion of a wetlands shall be eliminated, pursuant to a transition area averaging plan submitted by the applicant, provided that the plan is consistent with the provisions of subsection a. of section 16 of this act.
L. 1987, c. 156, s. 17.