13:9A-6 - Complaint by landowner affected by order;  recordation of finding

13:9A-6.  Complaint by landowner affected by order;  recordation of finding
    Any person having a recorded interest in land affected by any such order or  permit, may, within 90 days after receiving notice thereof, file a complaint in  the Superior Court to determine whether such order or permit so restricts or  otherwise affects the use of his property as to deprive him of the practical  use thereof and is therefore an unreasonable exercise of the police power  because the order or permit constitutes the equivalent of a taking without  compensation.  If the court finds the order or permit to be an unreasonable  exercise of the police power, the court shall enter a finding that such order  or permit shall not apply to the land of the plaintiff; provided, however,  that such finding shall not affect any other land than that of the plaintiff.   Any party to the suit may cause a copy of such finding to be recorded  forthwith in the office of the county clerk or register of deeds, where it  shall be indexed and filed as a judgment.

    The method provided in this section for the determination of the issue shall  be exclusive, and such issue shall not be determined in any other proceeding.

     L.1970, c. 272, s. 6, eff. Nov. 5, 1970.