13:20-18 - Qualification for State aid, grants
13:20-18 Qualification for State aid, grants.
18. a. Any municipality in the Highlands Region whose municipal master plan and development regulations, and any county in the Highlands Region whose county master plan and associated regulations, have been approved by the council to be in conformance with the regional master plan in accordance with section 14 or 15 of this act shall qualify for State aid, planning assistance, technical assistance, and other benefits and incentives that may be awarded or provided by the State to municipalities and counties which have received plan endorsement by the State Planning Commission pursuant to the "State Planning Act," P.L.1985, c.398 (C.52:18A-196 et al.) or which otherwise practice or implement smart growth strategies and principles. Any such municipality or county shall also qualify for any State aid that may be provided for smart growth projects.
b.The council shall make available grants and other financial and technical assistance to municipalities and counties for any revision of their master plans, development regulations, or other regulations which is designed to bring those plans, development regulations, or other regulations into conformance with the regional master plan or for implementation of a transfer of development rights program pursuant to this act. The grants and other financial assistance shall pay for the reasonable expenses therefor incurred by a municipality or county and shall be distributed according to such procedures and guidelines as may be established by the council. The council shall make the grants and other financial assistance from any State, federal, or other funds that shall be appropriated or otherwise made available to it for that purpose, including monies required to be made available therefor from the "Highlands Protection Fund" created pursuant to section 21 of this act.