13:1F-25 - Permitted use of certain pesticides; notice

13:1F-25.  Permitted use of certain pesticides; notice
7.  a.  If a local school board, board of trustees of a charter school or principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, determines that a pesticide, other than a low impact pesticide, must be used on school property, a pesticide may be used only in accordance with this section.

b.At least 72 hours before a pesticide, other than a low impact pesticide, is used on school property, the local school board, the board of trustees of a charter school, or the principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, shall provide to a parent or guardian of each student enrolled at the school and each staff member of the school, notice that includes:

(1)the common name, trade name, and federal Environmental Protection Agency registration number of the pesticide;

(2)a description of the location of the application of the pesticide;

(3)a description of the date and time of application, except that, in the case of outdoor pesticide applications, one notice shall include three dates, in chronological order, on which the outdoor pesticide applications may take place if the preceding date is canceled;

(4)a statement that The Office of Pesticide Programs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency has stated: "Where possible, persons who potentially are sensitive, such as pregnant women, infants, and children, should avoid any unnecessary pesticide exposure";

(5)a description of potential adverse effects of the pesticide based on the material safety data sheet, if available, for the pesticide;

(6)a description of the reasons for the application of the pesticide;

(7)the name and telephone number of the integrated pest management coordinator for the school or the school district; and

(8)any additional label instruction and precautions related to public safety.

c.The local school board of a school district, the board of trustees of a charter school, or the principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, may provide the notice required by subsection b. of this section by:

(1)written notice sent home with the student and provided to each staff member;

(2)a telephone call;

(3)direct contact;

(4)written notice mailed at least one week before the application; or

(5)electronic mail.

d.If the date of the application of the pesticide must be extended beyond the period required for notice under this section, the local school board, the board of trustees of a charter school, or the principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, shall reissue the notice required under this section for the new date of application.
