13:1F-11 - Detained or embargoed pesticide;  illegal sale, label, use or application;  tag;  permission to use

13:1F-11.  Detained or embargoed pesticide;  illegal sale, label, use or application;  tag;  permission to use
    Whenever an agent of the department finds, or has probable cause to believe  that any pesticide is being sold, labeled, used or applied in violation of any  provision of this act or any rule, regulation or order promulgated pursuant to  this act, he may affix to such pesticide a tag or other appropriate marking  giving notice that such pesticide has been detained or embargoed, and warning  all persons not to remove, dispose, or use such pesticide until permission is  given by the department or the court.  It shall be a violation of this act for  any person to remove, dispose, or use any detained or embargoed pesticide  without such permission.

     L.1971, c. 176, s. 11, eff. June 1, 1971.