13:1E-21 - Solid waste management plan;  report;  contents

13:1E-21.  Solid waste management plan;  report;  contents    a.  Every solid waste management plan shall be based upon and shall be accompanied by a report containing:

    (1) An inventory of the sources, composition, and quantity of solid waste generated within the solid waste management district in the year in which the report is prepared;

    (2) Projections of the amounts and composition of solid waste to be generated within the district in each of the 10 years following the year in which the report is prepared;  provided, however, that in the formulation of its solid waste management plan every board of chosen freeholders may deduct from the actual amount of solid waste generated within the solid waste management district in the year in which the report is prepared, and projected for each of the 10 years following said year, the total solid waste tonnage treated and disposed on a daily basis in the Hackensack Meadowlands District by  every municipality within said solid waste management district as of July 1,  1968, which deduction shall be pursuant to the guarantee provided in P.L.1968,  c. 404, section 9.1 (C. 13:17-10);

    (3) An inventory and appraisal, including the identity, location, and life expectancy, of all solid waste facilities within the solid waste management district, including such facilities operated by any person, and the identity of  every person engaging in solid waste collection or disposal within the district;  and

    (4) An analysis of existing solid waste collection systems and transportation routes within the solid waste management district.

    b.  Every solid waste management plan shall include:

     (1) The designation of a department, unit or committee of the county government, in the case of counties, or of the Hackensack Commission, in the case of the Hackensack Meadowlands District, to supervise the implementation of  the solid waste management plan and to report thereon at such times as may be  required by the board of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack Commission, as  the case may be;

    (2) A statement of the solid waste disposal strategy to be applied in the solid waste management district, which strategy shall include the maximum practicable use of resource recovery procedures;  and a plan for using terminated landfill disposal sites, if any, in the solid waste management district;

    (3) A site plan, which shall include all existing solid waste facilities located within the solid waste management district, provided that they are operated and maintained in accordance with all applicable health and environmental standards, and sufficient additional available suitable sites to provide solid waste facilities to treat and dispose of the actual and projected  amounts of solid waste contained in the report accompanying the plan.

    Upon a certification to the commissioner by the board of chosen freeholders  or the Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, of the absence of sufficient  existing or available suitable sites for such solid waste facilities within the  solid waste management district, the site plan shall identify sufficient  additional existing or available suitable sites for such facilities located in  another solid waste management district; provided, however, that such  certification shall be accompanied by a copy of the contract or agreement  entered into by the concerned boards of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack  Commission, as the case may be, authorizing the use by a solid waste management  district of solid waste facilities located in another solid waste management  district, and providing for the acquisition of such lands and rights and  interests therein as may be required within the solid waste management district  in which the solid waste facilities are to be located.  Notwithstanding the  above, however, a board of chosen freeholders may enter into an agreement with  any person engaged in solid waste disposal in an adjacent solid waste  management district with the approval of said adjacent district, which shall be reflected in the plans for said adjacent districts, to treat and dispose of the  amount of solid waste from their district that said person treats and disposes  of in that adjacent district on the effective date of this act. Upon the  failure for any reason of the concerned boards of chosen freeholders or the  Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, to make such a contract or to reach  such an agreement, the board of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack  Commission, as the case may be, seeking to locate said solid waste facilities  in another solid waste management district shall certify such failure to the  commissioner.

    Upon the receipt of any such certification of failure, the commissioner shall cause a study to be made by the department to determine the suitable location of solid waste facilities for the use of the solid waste management district for which such certification was made.  In such study, the commissioner may request the submission of any specifications or other information he deems necessary from any solid waste management district, and the board of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, shall submit all such material so requested.  In determining the suitable location of solid waste facilities, the commissioner shall weigh the relative feasibility of alternative locations in terms of such factors as environmental impact, transportation patterns and their comparative costs, compatibility with  the current land use policies in the immediate area of the alternative locations, as well as with the Statewide solid waste management plan and such other master plans and planning policies as may exist at the municipal, county,  regional or State levels, and such other criteria as the commissioner deems  relevant.

    Upon the completion of said study the commissioner shall:

     (a) Require the certifying board of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, to locate the required solid waste facilities within its own solid waste management district and as part of the solid waste management plan therefor;  or

    (b) Require any other board of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, to provide solid waste facilities, or parts thereof, within its solid waste management district and as part of the solid waste management plan therefor, for the use of the certifying solid waste management district;  provided, however, that the full cost of any such solid waste facilities, or of any part thereof to the extent of use thereof, shall be  borne by the solid waste management district making use of same.

    In the adoption of any solid waste management plan pursuant to the provisions of section 14 of this amendatory and supplementary act, no board of chosen freeholders nor the Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, shall alter any part required by a determination made by the commissioner as herein provided concerning the location of any solid waste facilities.

    Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11 of this amendatory and supplementary act, the time taken by the commissioner from the receipt of any certification of failure pursuant to this section to the completion of the study required herein concerning such certification of failure, shall be in addition to, and shall not count towards, the 360 days permitted in said section 11 for the development and formulation of a solid waste management plan.

    (4) A survey of proposed collection districts and transportation routes, with projected transportation costs from collection districts to existing or available suitable sites for solid waste facilities;

    (5) The procedures for coordinating all activities related to the collection  and disposal of solid waste by every person engaging in such process within the  solid waste management district, which procedures shall include the agreements  entered into as provided herein between the board of chosen freeholders or the  Hackensack Commission, as the case may be, and every such person;  and the  procedures for furnishing the solid waste facilities contained in the solid  waste management plan;  and

    (6) The method or methods of financing solid waste management in the solid waste management district pursuant to the solid waste management plan.

    c.  Any existing joint meeting formed for the construction or operation of solid waste facilities pursuant to the  "consolidated municipal services act" (P.L.1952, c. 72;  (C. 40:48B-1 et seq.) ) or any existing authority composed of two or more municipalities formed pursuant to the  "solid waste management authorities law"  (P.L.1968, c. 249;  (C. 40:66A-32 et seq.) ) may request the commissioner to review its solid waste management plan. The commissioner may direct the concerned solid waste management district to incorporate all or part  of said plan into the solid waste management plan of that district.

     L.1975, c. 326, s. 12.