13:1D-56 - Valuation of lands; terms as covenants running with the land

13:1D-56.    Valuation of lands; terms as covenants running with the land
    6. a.        For the purpose of determining the amount of consideration to be paid or transferred to the State in exchange for conveying lands acquired or developed by the State with Green Acres funds, or acquired or developed by the State in any other manner and administered by the department, the value of such lands shall be based upon their intended use upon conveyance or upon their highest and best use, whichever shall provide to the State the greatest value in return. 

   b.   If lands acquired or developed by the State with Green Acres funds, or acquired or developed by the State in any other manner and administered by the department, are conveyed, and within 25 years after the date of the conveyance the governing body of the municipality wherein the lands are located proposes to amend or revise for any reason the zoning ordinance as it pertains to those lands, or the zoning board of adjustment or planning board of the municipality receives an application for a variance from the zoning regulations or requirements pertaining to those lands, the governing body, zoning board of adjustment, or planning board, as the case may be, shall notify the commissioner in writing at least 30 days prior to taking action on the proposed amendment or revision to the zoning ordinance or variance application, as the case may be, according to procedures to be developed therefor by the department pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.). 

   c. (1) If the governing body of the municipality wherein the lands are located amends or revises for any reason the zoning ordinance as it pertains to those lands, or the zoning board of adjustment or planning board of the municipality grants a variance from the zoning regulations or requirements pertaining to those lands, as the case may be, within 25 years after the date of conveyance of the lands by the State, and that amendment or revision of the zoning ordinance or grant of a variance results in an increase in the value of the lands, an amount of money equal to that increase in value measured as of the effective date of the amendment or revision of the zoning ordinance or grant of a variance, as the case may be, shall be paid to the department by the then current owner of the lands within 60 days after the date of the last public hearing required pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection, or if a court determination of the value is required pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, within 60 days after the date of the court's judgment, for deposit and use by the department pursuant to section 7 of this amendatory and supplementary act.  In addition, the current owner of the lands on the effective date of the first amendment or revision of the zoning ordinance or first grant of a variance pertaining to those lands, as the case may be, shall dedicate 20% of the lands for use as public open space. 

   (2)  If the department and the then current owner are unable to agree on the amount of the increased value resulting from an amendment or revision of the zoning ordinance or grant of a variance pertaining to the lands, as the case may be, the value shall be decided in a summary proceeding before the Superior Court. 

   (3)  The department shall not agree to any determination of the amount of money equal to an increased value unless it has first conducted two additional public hearings and given appropriate notice of its intentions according to the procedures set forth in sections 2, 3, and 4 of this amendatory and supplementary act. 

   (4)  If the current owner of the lands on the effective date of any amendment or revision of the zoning ordinance or grant of a variance pertaining to those lands, as the case may be, is unable to pay an amount of money equal to the increase in value required pursuant to this subsection, the lands shall revert to the State and shall be managed by the department for the same purposes as they were immediately prior to the original conveyance by the State. 

   d.   The department may accept land of equivalent or greater value in lieu of any payment required pursuant to subsection c. of this section, but prior to doing so, the department shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (3) of that subsection. 

   e.   The terms of subsections b., c., and d. of this section shall be incorporated into any contract of sale, lease, or other similar instrument, as well as any deed or other instrument of conveyance, involving the lands, and shall run with the land. 
