13:1D-40 - Rules, regulations 

13:1D-40.    Rules, regulations 
     6. a.        Within 18 months of the effective date of this act, the department shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this act. 

    b.   Within 18 months of the effective date of this act the department shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," rules and regulations that outline the substantive requirements of pollution prevention plans, pollution prevention plan summaries, and pollution prevention plan progress reports, and shall make a document setting forth these requirements available to owners and operators of priority industrial facilities.  The rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this subsection shall, to the maximum extent practicable and feasible, require that information required for the preparation of a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary, and a pollution prevention plan progress report be based on information developed by the owner or operator of an industrial facility for the purposes of compliance with 42 U.S.C. s. 11023 and P.L.1983, c.315 (C.34:5A-1 et al.).  These rules and regulations shall specify which information required in a pollution prevention plan summary and pollution prevention plan progress report may be reported to the department in an environmental survey submitted pursuant to P.L.1983, c.315 instead of in a pollution prevention plan summary or a pollution prevention plan progress report.  These regulations may require owners or operators of industrial facilities to submit pollution prevention plan summaries or pollution prevention plan progress reports in a form that is compatible with the department's electronic information storage and retrieval system. 

    c.   Within 18 months of the effective date of this act the department shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," rules and regulations establishing criteria pursuant to which the department shall be authorized to issue a directive requiring  an industrial facility which is not a priority industrial facility to prepare a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary, and a pollution prevention plan progress report.  These criteria shall include the toxicity and volume of the hazardous substances or hazardous waste used, generated or released at the industrial facility, and the history of unpermitted releases at the industrial facility. These criteria shall also include a requirement that the department, prior to issuing a directive pursuant to this subsection, make a written finding that, based on the past performance of the industrial facility and the compliance of the industrial facility with the terms of any permit, certificate, registration, or any other relevant department approval issued to the owner or operator of the industrial facility pursuant to P.L.1970, c.33 (C.13:1D-1 et seq.), P.L.1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-1 et seq.), P.L.1977, c.74 (C.58:10A-1 et seq.), or P.L.1954, c.212 (C.26:2C-1 et seq.), and the extent to which the industrial facility contributes to the total amount of hazardous substances used, generated, or released in the State or a region of the State, the preparation of a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary, and pollution prevention plan progress report for the industrial facility could result in a reduction in the use or release of hazardous substances or the  generation of hazardous waste or nonproduct output at the industrial facility and a reduction in the threat posed to the environment or public health by the use or release of hazardous substances or the generation of hazardous waste or nonproduct output at the industrial facility. 

    d.   The department, pursuant to rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," may establish for any hazardous substance used or manufactured at an industrial facility a facility-wide threshold quantity of up to 10,000 pounds below which the hazardous substance need not be included in the pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary or pollution prevention plan progress report, or a 10-employee threshold below which an industrial facility would not be required to prepare a pollution prevention plan or submit a pollution prevention plan summary and a pollution prevention plan progress report. 

    e.   An owner or operator of an industrial facility may include in a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary, and pollution prevention plan progress report an input-use exemption list of any hazardous substances used in a specific production process at the industrial facility, the input-use of which he has determined through pollution prevention planning cannot be reduced below the current level. For each hazardous substance included on the input-use exemption list, the owner or operator shall be required to demonstrate, in writing, that there is no reasonably available and economically viable alternative to the current level of input-use of the hazardous substances in the specified production process.  An owner or operator shall not be required to include in a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary, or pollution prevention plan progress report a reduction in use for any hazardous substance included on an input-use exemption list, but shall be required to provide all other information concerning such a hazardous substance required in a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary, and pollution prevention plan progress report. Notwithstanding the inclusion of a hazardous substance on an input-use exemption list, the owner or operator of an industrial facility shall be required to consider pollution prevention techniques other than use reduction with regard to each hazardous substance on the input-use exemption list. 

    f.   An owner or operator of an industrial facility shall not be required to include in a pollution prevention plan, pollution prevention plan summary or pollution prevention plan progress report information pertaining to improvements in pollution prevention for a production process established after January 1, 1992 until the first five-year revision of the pollution prevention plan and pollution prevention plan summary prepared for the industrial facility at which the production process is carried out after the establishment of the production process, or until five years after the establishment of the production process, whichever occurs later.  Within 18 months of the effective date of this act, the department shall adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," rules and regulations establishing criteria for the identification of production processes subject to the provisions of this subsection. 
