13:1D-33 - Rules, regulations; "Environmental Services Fund;" fees

13:1D-33.  Rules, regulations; "Environmental Services Fund;" fees
5.  a.  The commissioner shall adopt, amend and repeal rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this act.  The commissioner shall in accordance with a fee schedule adopted as a rule or regulation establish and charge reasonable fees for the filing and review of any application for a construction  permit.  The fees imposed hereunder, except as may otherwise be provided by  law, shall be deposited in a fund to be known as the "Environmental Services  Fund,"  kept separate and apart from all other State receipts and appropriated  only as provided herein.  There shall be appropriated annually to the  department revenue from such fund sufficient to defray in full the costs  incurred in the processing and review of applications for construction  permits.

b.In establishing the fee schedule required pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the commissioner shall not establish a fee in excess of $30,000 for the filing and review of any application for a construction permit pursuant to R.S.12:5-3 or the "Coastal Area Facility Review Act," P.L.1973, c.185 (C.13:19-1 et seq.), except that a fee in excess of $30,000 may be charged if the department documents actual costs in excess of $30,000 for the review and processing of an application and the estimated cost of determining compliance with the conditions of the permit.

L.1975,c.232,s.5; amended by L.2001, c.314.