13:1D-18.2 - References deemed to refer to Tidelands Resource Council

13:1D-18.2.  References deemed to refer to Tidelands Resource Council
    a.  Whenever the term  "Division of Resource Development" ,  "Division of Natural Resources" , or  "Division of Marine Services"  or the terms "Director of the Division of Resource Development" ,  "Director of the Division of Natural Resources" , or  "Director of the Division of Marine Services"  occurs or any reference is made thereto in any law, contract or document, the same shall be deemed to mean or refer to the Division of Coastal Resources and director thereof, respectively.

    b.  Whenever the term  "Resource Development Council" ,  "Planning and Development Council"  or  "Natural Resource Council"  occurs or any reference is made thereto in any law, contract or document, the same shall be deemed to mean or refer to the Tidelands Resource Council.

     L.1979, c. 386, s. 3, eff. Feb. 5, 1980.