13:1D-102 - Reliance on checklists; applications deemed complete; construction of section 

13:1D-102.     Reliance on checklists; applications deemed complete; construction of section 
   2.  a.  Checklists prepared pursuant to section 1 of this act shall constitute the exclusive and exhaustive list of items required to be submitted in order for a permit application subject to this act or to P.L.1975, c.232 (C.13:1D-29 et seq.) to be deemed administratively complete by the department, for the purpose of commencing a technical review of the application by the department, provided all submissions or certifications identified on the checklist therefor have been completed and filed with the department. 

  b.     Within 30 days following the filing of an application subject to the provisions of this act, including any supportive documentation required to be filed in conjunction with the application, the department shall notify an applicant if the application lacks a submission identified on the checklist therefor, or a submission has not been completed.  If an application, including all necessary documentation is determined to be complete, or if a notice of incompleteness is not provided within 30 days of filing of the application, and all necessary documentation, the application shall be deemed complete for purposes of commencing a technical review thereof, and the time period established for completing a review of the application and taking final action thereon shall, notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, commence on the 31st day following the date of filing of the completed application.  Commencement of a technical review of an application shall not be delayed because of the failure of an applicant to file a submission not specifically identified on the checklist for that application that was in effect as of the date of the filing of the application. 

  c.     Nothing in this section shall be construed to:


  (1)    limit the authority of the department to request  at any time a submission that was not identified on the checklist for an application if the submission is required by State or federal law, or rule or regulation promulgated  in accordance therewith, except that such additional submission shall not affect the time period allowed the department for reviewing and taking final action on a completed application; 

  (2)    diminish the responsibility of an applicant to comply with all applicable requirements of State or federal law, or any rule or regulation promulgated in accordance therewith, or an order issued thereunder; 

  (3)    compromise or limit any enforcement action available to the department pursuant to law; or 

  (4)    exempt an applicant from complying with all applicable provisions of federal and State laws, or rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
