13:19-31 - Findings, declarations, determinations
13:19-31. Findings, declarations, determinations 1. The Legislature finds and declares that the New Jersey shore is a valuable environmental and economic resource, and that every effort should be made to ensure the continued viability of the shoreline; that periodic storms threaten to destroy portions of the shore and property located upland of the shore, especially in areas where beach and dune maintenance has been neglected; that although federal shore protection and disaster relief aid has helped to mitigate the adverse effects of subsequent storms on particular beachfronts, many beaches remain ineligible for these types of federal aid due to ignorance of the eligibility requirements; and that many shore municipalities could qualify for federal aid in the future if they implement the basic beach maintenance techniques specified in federal guidelines.
The Legislature therefore determines that it is altogether fitting and proper for the State to provide informational and educational services to shore municipalities concerning the eligibility requirements for federal shore protection and disaster relief aid.