13:18A-9 - Goals of comprehensive management plan

13:18A-9.  Goals of comprehensive management plan
    a.  The goal of the comprehensive management plan with respect to the entire  pinelands area shall be to protect, preserve and enhance the significant values  of the resources thereof in a manner which is consistent with the purposes and  provisions of this act and the Federal Act.

    b.  The goals of the comprehensive management plan with respect to the protection area shall be to:

    (1) Preserve and maintain the essential character of the existing pinelands  environment, including the plant and animal species indigenous thereto and the  habitat therefor;

    (2) Protect and maintain the quality of surface and ground waters;

     (3) Promote the continuation and expansion of agricultural and horticultural  uses;

     (4) Discourage piecemeal and scattered development;  and

     (5) Encourage appropriate patterns of compatible residential, commercial and  industrial development, in or adjacent to areas already utilized for such purposes, in order to accommodate regional growth influences in an orderly way while protecting the pinelands environment from the individual and cumulative adverse impacts thereof.

    c.  The goals of the comprehensive management plan with respect to the preservation area shall be to:

    (1) Preserve an extensive and contiguous area of land in its natural state,  thereby insuring the continuation of a pinelands environment which contains the  unique and significant ecological and other resources representative of the  pinelands area;

    (2) Promote compatible agricultural, horticultural and recreational uses, including hunting, fishing and trapping, within the framework of maintaining a pinelands environment;

    (3) Prohibit any construction or development which is incompatible with the  preservation of this unique area;

    (4) Provide a sufficient amount of undeveloped land to accommodate specific  wilderness management practices, such as selective burning, which are necessary  to maintain the special ecology of the preservation area; and

    (5) Protect and preserve the quantity and quality of existing surface and ground waters.

     L.1979, c. 111, s. 8, eff. June 28, 1979.